Validation Results for FHIR_HL7CN_CONNECTATHON

Generated Tue Mar 11 20:39:25 CST 2025, FHIR version 5.0.0 for hl7cn.fhir.connectathon#2025.3.12 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report & IP

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.8.18, which is out of date. The current version is v1.8.20 Download Latest
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId = hl7cn.fhir.connectathon, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Language Info:This IG has no language information
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. hl7cn.fhir.connectathon2025.3.12R5 Packages must have an id that starts with hl7.cda., hl7.fhir., hl7.v2., or hl7.ehrs.
... hl7.terminology.r56.2.0 MR5http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.2.0 MR5
Templates: fhir.hl7cn.template#0.5.0 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Related IGs:n/a
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Not Found)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings
Summary: errors = 457, warn = 167, info = 146, broken links = 13.
Build Errors1340

n/a Show Validation Information

output​/Procedure-CNOperationExample​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 304, column 670errorThe link 'ServiceRequest/1' for "ServiceRequest/1" cannot be resolved
output​/Procedure-CNOperationExample​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 304, column 880errorThe link 'Patient/1' for "赵敏" cannot be resolved
output​/Procedure-CNOperationExample​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 304, column 931errorThe link 'Encounter/1' for "Encounter/1" cannot be resolved
output​/Procedure-CNOperationExample​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 304, column 1784errorThe link 'Location/1' for "西京市人民医院急诊楼五楼第12手术室" cannot be resolved
output​/Schedule-ScheduleExample01​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/ul​/li​/a at Line 304, column 1241errorThe link 'Location/9' for "消化内科门诊" cannot be resolved
output​/Schedule-ScheduleExample02​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/ul​/li​/a at Line 304, column 1241errorThe link 'Location/9' for "消化内科门诊" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 520, column 397errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 757, column 242errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 1207, column 183errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 1726, column 242errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2176, column 183errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/fhir-connectathon-2024​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/ul​/li​/a at Line 302, column 19errorThe link 'fhir-connectathon-track020.html' for "表单填报" cannot be resolved
output​/spec-fhir-basic​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 342, column 173errorThe link 'spec-smart-app.html' for "SMARTApp" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml, dependency-table-nontech.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
IGwarningThe IG is not for the international realm, and it uses SNOMED CT, so it should fix the SCT edition in the expansion parameters

fsh-generated/resources/Appointment-AppointmentExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Appointment​.serviceCategory[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l17​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
Appointment​.serviceCategory[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l21​/c70)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Appointment​.specialty[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l28​/c6)errorWrong Display Name 'General practice' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'General practice (specialty) (qualifier value)' or 'General practice (specialty)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Appointment​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l49​/c8)errorWrong Display Name 'Clinical Review' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Clinical management plan review (procedure)' or 'Clinical management plan review' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Appointment (l1/c2)errorConstraint failed: app-3: 'Only proposed or cancelled appointments can be missing start/end dates' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

AuditEvent.outcome.code (l33/c6)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
AuditEvent​.source​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l86​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

AuditEvent.outcome.code (l33/c6)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
AuditEvent​.source​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l68​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.json Show Validation Information (15)

Bundle.entry[5] (l443/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[6] (l467/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[7] (l509/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[8] (l605/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl (l12/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.category[0] (l31​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.encounter (l129​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.author[0] (l134​/c12)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l63​/c14)errorWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l99​/c14)errorWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[0] (l43​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1] (l61​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[2] (l79​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3] (l97​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[0] (l43​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1] (l61​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[2] (l79​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3] (l97​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[0] (l43​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1] (l61​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[2] (l79​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3] (l97​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[0] (l43​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1] (l61​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[2] (l79​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3] (l97​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/ (l13​/c8)informationComposition.section:ReasonForVisit: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/ (l13​/c8)informationComposition.section:Diagnosis: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/ (l13​/c8)informationComposition.section:Medications: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.subject[0] (l124​/c12)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[0]​.code (l45​/c14)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[1]​.code (l63​/c14)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/DischargeSummaryCompositionExampleInline01*​/​.section[3]​.code (l99​/c14)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl (l146/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.identifier[0]​.system (l168​/c53)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.identifier[0] (l167​/c12)warningConstraint failed: ident-1: 'Identifier with no value has limited utility. If communicating that an identifier value has been suppressed or missing, the value element SHOULD be present with an extension indicating the missing semantic - e.g. data-absent-reason' (defined in
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.class[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l156​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '住院诊疗' for Valid display is 'inpatient encounter' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l197​/c14)errorWrong Display Name '呼吸科' for Valid display is 'Respiratory' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.subjectwarningEntry 2 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0] (l174​/c16)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l178​/c90)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.participant[0]​.actorwarningEntry 3 matches the reference Practitioner/PractitionerExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.actualPeriod (l212​/c10)errorConstraint failed: per-1: 'If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than end' (defined in
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l239​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '出院诊断' for Valid display is 'Discharge diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Encounter​/EncounterExampleInline01*​/​.admission​.admitSource​.coding[0]​.display (l252​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '门诊转住院' for Valid display is 'From outpatient department' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle.entry[2].fullUrl (l269/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l289​/c12)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l291​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l318​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l320​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0] (l345​/c16)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l349​/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l289​/c12)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l318​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender (l315​/c25)errorSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0] (l345​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle.entry[3].fullUrl (l368/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l405​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l407​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l405​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender (l402​/c25)errorSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle.entry[4].fullUrl (l419/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle.entry[5].fullUrl (l444/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Observation​/SymptomExampleInline01*​/ (l445​/c8)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer All_observations_should_have_a_performer
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Observation​/SymptomExampleInline01*​/ (l445​/c8)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Observation​/SymptomExampleInline01*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l449​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '发热' for Valid display is 'Fever of other and unknown origin' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Observation​/SymptomExampleInline01*​/​.subject (l458​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​/*Observation​/SymptomExampleInline01*​/​.encounter (l462​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[6].fullUrl (l468/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-318) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus​.coding[0] (l472​/c10)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus (l472​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l480​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.code (l490​/c10)errorUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.subject (l500​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Condition​/DischargeDiagnosisExampleInline01*​/​.encounter (l504​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle.entry[7].fullUrl (l510/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-319) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l517​/c12)errorUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version '' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l517​/c12)informationCode XXXXXX is not a valid SNOMED CT Term, and neither could it be parsed as an expression (Concept not found (next char = "X", in "XXXXXX") at character 1) (from
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.subject (l528​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.encounter (l532​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.requester (l536​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.timing​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l566​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '每日两次' for Valid display is 'BID' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.route​.coding[0]​.display (l576​/c14)errorWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l587​/c18)errorUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l587​/c18)informationError processing Unit_ "片": unexpected character "片" at position 1 (from
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l597​/c12)errorUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/MedicationRequestExampleInline01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l597​/c12)informationError processing Unit_ "盒": unexpected character "盒" at position 1 (from
Bundle.entry[8].fullUrl (l606/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-320) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus​.coding[0]​.display (l610​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '已解决' for Valid display is 'Resolved' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus (l610​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.verificationStatus​.coding[0]​.display (l619​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '已确认' for Valid display is 'Confirmed' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.verificationStatus (l619​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Verification Status' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.type​.coding[0] (l628​/c10)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.patient (l639​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.encounter (l643​/c10)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[8]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.reaction[0]​.manifestation[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.system (l651​/c18)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
Bundle (l1/c2)errorConstraint failed: bdl-9: 'A document must have an identifier with a system and a value' (defined in
Bundle (l1/c2)errorConstraint failed: bdl-10: 'A document must have a date' (defined in
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.participant[0].actor). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle.entry[5].resource (l445/c8)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer All_observations_should_have_a_performer
Bundle.entry[5].resource (l445/c8)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.json Show Validation Information (7)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.identifier[0] (l23​/c12)errorIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference Type_Specific_Checks_DT_Identifier_System
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l39​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '电子健康档案' for Valid display is '健康档案共享文档' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.category[0] (l39​/c12)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.facilityType​.coding[0]​.display (l52​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.facilityType (l52​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.practiceSetting​.coding[0]​.display (l61​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.practiceSetting (l61​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.content[0]​.profile[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l92​/c18)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample01*​/​.category[0] (l39​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.identifier[0] (l112​/c12)errorIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference Type_Specific_Checks_DT_Identifier_System
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l128​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '电子健康档案' for Valid display is '健康档案共享文档' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.category[0] (l128​/c12)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.facilityType​.coding[0]​.display (l141​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.facilityType (l141​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.practiceSetting​.coding[0]​.display (l150​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.practiceSetting (l150​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.content[0]​.profile[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l181​/c18)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExample02*​/​.category[0] (l128​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle (l1/c2)errorConstraint failed: bdl-18: 'Self link is required for searchsets.' (defined in
Bundle (l1/c2)warningSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF
Bundle (l1/c2)warningSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.json Show Validation Information (8)

Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl (l16/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.extension[0] (l26​/c12)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/ (l17​/c8)errorSlice 'List.extension:SourceId': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.extension[0]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL Extension_EXT_URL_Absolute
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.entry[0]​.itemwarningURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 Bundle_BUNDLE_Not_Local
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.entry[0]​.item (l62​/c14)errorUnable to find a profile match for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 (by type) among choices: ; [] Reference_REF_CantMatchType
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.entry[0]​.item (l62​/c14)errorInvalid Resource target type. Found Encounter, but expected one of ([DocumentReference]) Reference_REF_BadTargetType
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.entry[1]​.item (l67​/c14)errorUnable to find a profile match for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 among choices: Reference_REF_CantMatchChoice
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.entry[1]​.item (l67​/c14)Slicing InformationDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|2025.3.12 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*List​/XDSDocumentManifestExampleInline01*​/​.code (l42​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl (l79/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.identifier[0] (l89​/c12)errorIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference Type_Specific_Checks_DT_Identifier_System
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l105​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '电子健康档案' for Valid display is '健康档案共享文档' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.category[0] (l105​/c12)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.facilityType​.coding[0]​.display (l118​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.facilityType (l118​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.practiceSetting​.coding[0]​.display (l127​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.practiceSetting (l127​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.content[0]​.attachment​.url (l150​/c67)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.content[0]​.profile[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l158​/c18)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*DocumentReference​/DocumentReferenceExampleInline02*​/​.category[0] (l105​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle.entry[2].fullUrl (l172/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.json Show Validation Information (11)

Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl (l12/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*MessageHeader​/RxMessageHeaderExample01*​/​.event​.ofType(Coding) (l21​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl (l33/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l40​/c12)errorUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version '' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l40​/c12)informationCode XXXXXX is not a valid SNOMED CT Term, and neither could it be parsed as an expression (Concept not found (next char = "X", in "XXXXXX") at character 1) (from
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.subjectwarningEntry 2 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.requesterwarningEntry 4 matches the reference Practitioner/PractitionerExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.timing​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l81​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '每日两次' for Valid display is 'BID' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.route​.coding[0]​.display (l91​/c14)errorWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l102​/c18)errorUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l102​/c18)informationError processing Unit_ "片": unexpected character "片" at position 1 (from
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l112​/c12)errorUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l112​/c12)informationError processing Unit_ "盒": unexpected character "盒" at position 1 (from
Bundle.entry[2].fullUrl (l121/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l141​/c12)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l143​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l170​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l172​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0] (l197​/c16)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l201​/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l141​/c12)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l170​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender (l167​/c25)errorSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0] (l197​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle.entry[3].fullUrl (l220/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle.entry[4].fullUrl (l245/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l282​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l284​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l282​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/PractitionerExample01*​/​.gender (l279​/c25)errorSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x]) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find 'Encounter/EncounterExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.encounter) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.requester). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle.entry[2] (l32/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l120/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l219/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l244/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.json Show Validation Information (11)

Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl (l12/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*MessageHeader​/RxMessageHeaderExample02*​/​.event​.ofType(Coding) (l21​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl (l33/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Parameters​/RxParametersExampleInline01*​/​.parameter[1]​.value​.ofType(Reference)warningEntry 3 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Parameters​/RxParametersExampleInline01*​/​.parameter[2]​.value​.ofType(Reference)errorRelative URLs must be of the format [ResourceName]/[id]. Encountered MedicationRequestExample01 Reference_REF_Format2
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Parameters​/RxParametersExampleInline01*​/​.parameter[2]​.value​.ofType(Reference) (l55​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'MedicationRequestExample01' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Bundle.entry[2].fullUrl (l63/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l70​/c12)errorUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version '' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l70​/c12)informationCode XXXXXX is not a valid SNOMED CT Term, and neither could it be parsed as an expression (Concept not found (next char = "X", in "XXXXXX") at character 1) (from
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.subjectwarningEntry 3 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules BUNDLE_BUNDLE_POSSIBLE_MATCH_WRONG_FU
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.timing​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l111​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '每日两次' for Valid display is 'BID' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.route​.coding[0]​.display (l121​/c14)errorWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l132​/c18)errorUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l132​/c18)informationError processing Unit_ "片": unexpected character "片" at position 1 (from
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l142​/c12)errorUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*MedicationRequest​/RxMedicationRequestExample01*​/​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l142​/c12)informationError processing Unit_ "盒": unexpected character "盒" at position 1 (from
Bundle.entry[3].fullUrl (l151/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l171​/c12)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l173​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l200​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l202​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0] (l227​/c16)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l231​/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l171​/c12)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l200​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender (l197​/c25)errorSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0] (l227​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle.entry[4].fullUrl (l250/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x]) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.parameter[1].value[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``) BUNDLE_BUNDLE_ENTRY_NOTFOUND_APPARENT
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find 'Encounter/EncounterExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.encounter) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.requester) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle.entry[2] (l32/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l62/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l150/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[5] (l249/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.json Show Validation Information (10)

Bundle.entry[0].fullUrl (l12/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*MessageHeader​/RxMessageHeaderExample03*​/​.event​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l21​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '检索患者相关信息响应' for Valid display is '检索患者相关信息应答' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*MessageHeader​/RxMessageHeaderExample03*​/​.event​.ofType(Coding) (l21​/c10)errorThe Coding provided ( was not found in the value set '处方流转事件类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a code is required from this value set. (error message = Wrong Display Name '检索患者相关信息响应' for Valid display is '检索患者相关信息应答' (for the language(s) 'en-US')) Terminology_TX_NoValid_12
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*MessageHeader​/RxMessageHeaderExample03*​/​.event​.ofType(Coding) (l21​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle.entry[1].fullUrl (l33/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/ (l34​/c8)warningSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/ (l34​/c8)warningSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.fullUrl (l40​/c69)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Condition​/DiagnosisExample01*​/​.clinicalStatus​.coding[0] (l44​/c16)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Condition​/DiagnosisExample01*​/​.clinicalStatus (l44​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Condition​/DiagnosisExample01*​/​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l52​/c18)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Condition​/DiagnosisExample01*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.code (l62​/c16)errorUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Condition​/DiagnosisExample01*​/ (l41​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample02*​/ (l34​/c8)errorConstraint failed: bdl-18: 'Self link is required for searchsets.' (defined in
Bundle.entry[2].fullUrl (l85/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/ (l86​/c8)warningSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/ (l86​/c8)warningSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.fullUrl (l92​/c69)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus​.coding[0]​.display (l96​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '已解决' for Valid display is 'Resolved' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.clinicalStatus (l96​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.verificationStatus​.coding[0]​.display (l105​/c16)errorWrong Display Name '已确认' for Valid display is 'Confirmed' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.verificationStatus (l105​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Verification Status' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.type​.coding[0] (l114​/c16)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.patientwarningURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 Bundle_BUNDLE_Not_Local
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.encounterwarningURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 Bundle_BUNDLE_Not_Local
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/​.reaction[0]​.manifestation[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.system (l137​/c24)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/​.entry[0]​.resource​/*AllergyIntolerance​/AllergiesExampleInline01*​/ (l93​/c14)warningConstraint failed: dom-6: 'A resource should have narrative for robust management' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Bundle​/RxSearchSetBundleInlineExample01*​/ (l86​/c8)errorConstraint failed: bdl-18: 'Self link is required for searchsets.' (defined in
Bundle.entry[3].fullUrl (l157/c63)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315) Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l177​/c12)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l179​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l206​/c14)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l208​/c16)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0] (l233​/c16)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l237​/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.extension[0] (l177​/c12)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender​.extension[0] (l206​/c14)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.gender (l203​/c25)errorSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Bundle​.entry[3]​.resource​/*Patient​/PatientExample01*​/​.contact[0]​.relationship[0] (l233​/c16)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Bundle (l1/c2)errorConstraint failed: bdl-7: 'FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)' (defined in
Bundle (l1/c2)informationCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x]) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_NotFound
Bundle.entry[2] (l32/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[3] (l84/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[4] (l156/c6)warningEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?) Bundle_BUNDLE_Entry_Orphan_MESSAGE
Bundle.entry[1].resource (l34/c8)warningSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF
Bundle.entry[1].resource (l34/c8)warningSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE
Bundle.entry[2].resource (l86/c8)warningSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was BUNDLE_SEARCH_NOSELF
Bundle.entry[2].resource (l86/c8)warningSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries BUNDLE_SEARCH_NO_MODE

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c3496)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c3496)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c3496)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem.concept[0] (l1/c3496)warningHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition CODESYSTEM_CONCEPT_NO_DEFINITION

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c5692)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c5692)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c5692)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem.concept[0] (l1/c5692)warningHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition CODESYSTEM_CONCEPT_NO_DEFINITION

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-citizenship-class.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1421)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1421)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1421)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-category.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1538)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1538)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1538)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-formatcode.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1775)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1775)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1775)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ehr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c5204)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c5204)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c5204)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c9299)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c9299)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c9299)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem.concept[1] (l1/c9299)warningHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition CODESYSTEM_CONCEPT_NO_DEFINITION

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-1.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1510)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1510)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1510)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-2.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c2106)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c2106)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c2106)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb3304.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c17524)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c17524)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c17524)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb4761.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c13621)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c13621)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c13621)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-manifest-category-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1403)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1403)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1403)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c3982)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c3982)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c3982)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem.concept[0] (l1/c3982)warningHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition CODESYSTEM_CONCEPT_NO_DEFINITION

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-phr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1193)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1193)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1193)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-special-rx-event-type-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1874)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1874)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1874)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-incision-category.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1807)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1807)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1807)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-level.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1766)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c1766)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c1766)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ws363-2011.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c302141)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG) CODESYSTEM_THO_CHECK
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly CODESYSTEM_CS_HL7_MISSING_ELEMENT_SHOULD
CodeSystem (l1/c302141)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
CodeSystem (l1/c302141)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Composition.section[0] (l31/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:LabResult', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Composition.section[1] (l51/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:LabResult', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Composition.section[0] (l31/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Speciman', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Composition.section[1] (l51/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Speciman', looking in profile '' (@char 1) SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Composition (l1/c2)informationComposition.section:LabResult: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Composition (l1/c2)informationComposition.section:Speciman: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Composition​.section[0]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l33​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Composition.section[0].code (l33/c8)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Composition​.section[1]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l53​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Composition.section[1].code (l53/c8)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-beijing-dist-to-prov.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage[0].source (l1/c2839)warningSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = fragment), so the source codes cannot be checked CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_INCOMPLETE[0].target (l1/c2839)warningTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = fragment), so the target codes cannot be checked CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_INCOMPLETE

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l23​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '无力' for Valid display is 'Ascites' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l23​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '行走不变' for Valid display is 'Anuria and oliguria' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition​.clinicalStatus​.coding[0] (l4​/c4)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Condition.clinicalStatus (l4/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Condition​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l12​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Condition.category[0] (l12/c6)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Category Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_3_CC
Condition.code.coding[0].code (l22/c4)errorUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l13​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Condition.category[0] (l13/c6)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Category Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_3_CC
Condition.code.coding[0].code (l23/c4)errorUnknown code 'M17.900x002' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version

fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-ImageReportExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

DiagnosticReport.code (l16/c4)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'LOINC Diagnostic Report Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_3_CC[0].link (l41/c8)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'DocumentReference/1.2.840.11361907579238403408700.' Reference_REF_CantResolve

fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.json Show Validation Information (6)

DiagnosticReport​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline01*​/ (l5​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
DiagnosticReport​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline01*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l9​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '钠' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Sodium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Sodium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Sodium SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Sodium, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline01*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l34​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
DiagnosticReport​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline01*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l38​/c54)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
DiagnosticReport​.contained[1]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline02*​/ (l59​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
DiagnosticReport​.contained[1]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline02*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l63​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '钾' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Potassium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Potassium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Potassium SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Potassium, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport​.contained[1]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline02*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0] (l88​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
DiagnosticReport​.contained[1]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline02*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l92​/c54)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
DiagnosticReport​.contained[2]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline03*​/ (l113​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
DiagnosticReport​.contained[2]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline03*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l117​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '氯化物' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Chloride [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Chloride [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Chloride SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Chloride, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport​.contained[2]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline03*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0] (l142​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
DiagnosticReport​.contained[2]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline03*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l146​/c54)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
DiagnosticReport​.contained[3]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline04*​/ (l167​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
DiagnosticReport​.contained[3]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline04*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l171​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '二氧化碳' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'CO2 SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport​.contained[3]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline04*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0] (l196​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
DiagnosticReport​.contained[3]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline04*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l200​/c54)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
DiagnosticReport​.contained[4]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline05*​/ (l221​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
DiagnosticReport​.contained[4]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline05*​/​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l225​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '阴离子间隙' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Anion gap in Serum or Plasma by calculation' (en-US), 'Anion gap in Serum or Plasma by calculation' (en-US), 'Anion Gap SerPl Calc-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Anion gap, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport​.contained[4]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline05*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0] (l250​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
DiagnosticReport​.contained[4]​/*Observation​/ObservationExampleInline05*​/​.interpretation[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l254​/c54)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
DiagnosticReport​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l283​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '电解质组合HCFA 98' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Electrolytes 1998 panel - Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Electrolytes 1998 panel - Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Lytes 1998 Pnl SerPl' (en-US) or 'Electrolytes 1998 panel, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DiagnosticReport.code (l283/c4)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'LOINC Diagnostic Report Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_3_CC
DiagnosticReport.result[0] (l306/c6)Slicing InformationDetails for #ObservationExampleInline01 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
DiagnosticReport.result[1] (l309/c6)Slicing InformationDetails for #ObservationExampleInline02 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
DiagnosticReport.result[2] (l312/c6)Slicing InformationDetails for #ObservationExampleInline03 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
DiagnosticReport.result[3] (l315/c6)Slicing InformationDetails for #ObservationExampleInline04 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
DiagnosticReport.result[4] (l318/c6)Slicing InformationDetails for #ObservationExampleInline05 matching against profile|5.0.0 Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_

fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

DocumentReference​.identifier[0] (l10​/c6)errorIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference Type_Specific_Checks_DT_Identifier_System
DocumentReference​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l26​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '电子健康档案' for Valid display is '健康档案共享文档' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
DocumentReference.category[0] (l26/c6)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.facilityType​.coding[0]​.display (l39​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DocumentReference.facilityType (l39/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.practiceSetting​.coding[0]​.display (l48​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DocumentReference​.practiceSetting (l48​/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.content[0]​.profile[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l79​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE

fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

DocumentReference​.identifier[0] (l10​/c6)errorIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference Type_Specific_Checks_DT_Identifier_System
DocumentReference​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l26​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '电子健康档案' for Valid display is '健康档案共享文档' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
DocumentReference.category[0] (l26/c6)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.facilityType​.coding[0]​.display (l39​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DocumentReference.facilityType (l39/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.practiceSetting​.coding[0]​.display (l48​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
DocumentReference​.practiceSetting (l48​/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
DocumentReference​.content[0]​.profile[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l79​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Covid19EncounterExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter.type[0] (l21/c6)errorFound a reference to a CodeSystem '' where a ValueSet belongs Terminology_TX_ValueSet_NotFound_CS
Encounter​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l21​/c6)errorUnknown code 'TEST' in the CodeSystem '' version '1.0.1'

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.identifier[0]​.system (l22​/c47)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Encounter​.class[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '住院诊疗' for Valid display is 'inpatient encounter' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l56​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '呼吸科' for Valid display is 'Respiratory' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0] (l29​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l33​/c84)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Encounter.actualPeriod (l67/c4)errorConstraint failed: per-1: 'If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than end' (defined in
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l94​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '出院诊断' for Valid display is 'Discharge diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.admission​.admitSource​.coding[0]​.display (l107​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '门诊转住院' for Valid display is 'From outpatient department' (for the language(s) 'en-US')

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.identifier[0]​.system (l22​/c47)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Encounter​.class[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '门诊' for Valid display is 'ambulatory' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l51​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '骨科' for Valid display is 'Orthopaedic Surgery' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0] (l29​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l33​/c84)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Encounter.actualPeriod (l66/c4)errorConstraint failed: per-1: 'If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than end' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample03.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.identifier[0]​.system (l22​/c47)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
Encounter​.class[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '住院' for Valid display is 'inpatient encounter' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l51​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '骨科' for Valid display is 'Orthopaedic Surgery' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0] (l29​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.participant[0]​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l33​/c84)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Encounter.actualPeriod (l66/c4)errorConstraint failed: per-1: 'If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than end' (defined in
Encounter​.reason[0]​.value[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l74​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '膝关节置换术' for Valid display is 'Admitting Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l98​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '入院诊断' for Valid display is 'Admission diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Encounter​.admission​.admitSource​.coding[0]​.display (l111​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '门诊转住院' for Valid display is 'From outpatient department' (for the language(s) 'en-US')

fsh-generated/resources/List-XDSDocumentManifestExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

List.extension[0] (l10/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
List (l1/c2)errorSlice 'List.extension:SourceId': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
List.extension[0]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL Extension_EXT_URL_Absolute

fsh-generated/resources/Location-LocationExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Location.form.coding[0].code (l18/c4)errorUnknown code 'Bed' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.0.1'

fsh-generated/resources/Location-LocationExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Location.form.coding[0].code (l23/c4)errorUnknown code 'Room' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.0.1'

fsh-generated/resources/Medication-MedicationAzvudineTabletExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Medication​.doseForm​.coding[0]​.display (l21​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '口服片剂' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Oral tablet', 'Conventional release oral tablet (dose form)' or 'Conventional release oral tablet' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l7​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '门诊' for Valid display is 'Outpatient' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l37​/c8)errorUnknown code 'U07.100x002' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
MedicationRequest​.courseOfTherapyType​.coding[0]​.display (l48​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '短程(急性)疗法' for Valid display is 'Short course (acute) therapy' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.additionalInstruction[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l60​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '空腹' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Half to one hour before food' or 'Half to one hour before food (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.additionalInstruction[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l69​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '整片吞服' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Swallowed whole, not chewed (qualifier value)' or 'Swallowed whole, not chewed' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.route​.coding[0]​.display (l106​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.method​.coding[0]​.display (l115​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '吞服' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Swallow (administration method)', 'Swallow' or 'A method of administration of a dose form by taking into the mouth and allowing to pass down the throat.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l126​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l126​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '开立值' for Valid display is 'Ordered' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[1]​.type (l142​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[1]​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l142​/c12)errorWrong Display Name '计算值' for Valid display is 'Calculated' (for the language(s) 'en-US')

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l7​/c6)errorUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version '' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
MedicationRequest​.medication​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l7​/c6)informationCode XXXXXX is not a valid SNOMED CT Term, and neither could it be parsed as an expression (Concept not found (next char = "X", in "XXXXXX") at character 1) (from
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.timing​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l48​/c10)errorWrong Display Name '每日两次' for Valid display is 'BID' (en) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.timing​.code (l48​/c10)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'TimingAbbreviation' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_3_CC
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.route​.coding[0]​.display (l58​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l69​/c12)errorUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
MedicationRequest​.dosageInstruction[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.dose​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l69​/c12)informationError processing Unit_ "片": unexpected character "片" at position 1 (from
MedicationRequest​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l79​/c6)errorUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
MedicationRequest​.dispenseRequest​.quantity​.code (l79​/c6)informationError processing Unit_ "盒": unexpected character "盒" at position 1 (from

fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0] (l10​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l14​/c74)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l21​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '新冠核酸 样本 探针检测 N基因[Pr]' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 N gene Spec Ql NAA+probe' (en-US) or 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation.code (l21/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测项目代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l42​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '未检测到' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Not detected', 'Not detected (qualifier value)' or 'Not found' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l42​/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测结果存在性代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation​.method​.coding[0]​.display (l51​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '实时荧光定量PCR/qRT-PCR' for Valid display is one of 7 choices: 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019-nCoV using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of COVID-19 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019 novel coronavirus using polymerase chain reaction', 'SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction' or 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction (observable entity)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation.method (l51/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测方式代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod

fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0] (l10​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l14​/c74)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l21​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '新冠核酸 样本 探针检测 ORF1ab域[Pr]' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Spec Ql NAA+probe' (en-US) or 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation.code (l21/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测项目代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l42​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '未检测到' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Not detected', 'Not detected (qualifier value)' or 'Not found' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l42​/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测结果存在性代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation​.method​.coding[0]​.display (l51​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '实时荧光定量PCR/qRT-PCR' for Valid display is one of 7 choices: 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019-nCoV using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of COVID-19 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019 novel coronavirus using polymerase chain reaction', 'SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction' or 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction (observable entity)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation.method (l51/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测方式代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod

fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code (l10/c4)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '血压' for Valid display is '收缩压(mmHg)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Observation​.code​.coding[1]​.display (l10​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '血压' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Blood pressure panel with all children optional' (en-US), 'Blood pressure panel with all children optional' (en-US) or 'BP pnl w all optional' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Observation.code.coding[0] (l12/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation.code.coding[1] (l17/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation.code.coding[0] (l12/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation.code.coding[1] (l17/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation.component[0].code (l34/c8)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Observation​.component[0]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l34​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '收缩压' for Valid display is '收缩压(mmHg)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Observation​.component[0]​.code​.coding[0] (l36​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation​.component[0]​.code​.coding[0] (l36​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation​.component[0]​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l43​/c8)errorUnknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Observation​.component[0]​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l43​/c8)informationError processing Unit: 'mmHg': The unit "mmHg" is unknown at character 1 (from
Observation.component[1].code (l50/c8)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Observation​.component[1]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l50​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '舒张压' for Valid display is '舒张压(mmHg)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Observation​.component[1]​.code​.coding[0] (l52​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation​.component[1]​.code​.coding[0] (l52​/c12)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation​.component[1]​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l59​/c8)errorUnknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Observation​.component[1]​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l59​/c8)informationError processing Unit: 'mmHg': The unit "mmHg" is unknown at character 1 (from
Observation.component[0] (l33/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|5.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Observation.component[1] (l49/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|5.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Observation (l1/c2)errorObservation.category: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|5.0.0) Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum
Observation (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Observation.category:VSCat': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Observation (l1/c2)errorObservation.effective[x]: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|5.0.0) Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum
Observation (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Observation.component:SystolicBP': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Observation (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Observation.component:DiastolicBP': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Observation​.component[0]​.value​.ofType(Quantity) (l43​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Vital Signs Units' (|5.0.0), and a code from this value set is required: The provided code '' was not found in the value set '|5.0.0'; Unknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
Observation​.component[1]​.value​.ofType(Quantity) (l59​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Vital Signs Units' (|5.0.0), and a code from this value set is required: The provided code '' was not found in the value set '|5.0.0'; Unknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' Terminology_TX_Confirm_4a
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer All_observations_should_have_a_performer
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod

fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.code (l10/c4)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '体重' for Valid display is '体重(kg)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Observation.code.coding[0] (l12/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation.code.coding[0] (l12/c8)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Observation​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l27​/c4)errorUnknown code 'Kg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version
Observation​.value​.ofType(Quantity)​.code (l27​/c4)informationError processing Unit: 'Kg': The unit "Kg" is unknown at character 1 (from
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer All_observations_should_have_a_performer
Observation (l1/c2)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Appointment-book.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/form​/OperationDefinition​/Appointment-book')errorConformance resource /Users/yeyanbo/personal/hit/git/hl7china/fhir-ig-hl7cn/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Appointment-book.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL ( RESOURCE_CANONICAL_MISMATCH
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-Appointment-bookerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-QuestionnaireResponse-extract.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/form​/OperationDefinition​/QuestionnaireResponse-extract')errorConformance resource /Users/yeyanbo/personal/hit/git/hl7china/fhir-ig-hl7cn/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-QuestionnaireResponse-extract.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL ( RESOURCE_CANONICAL_MISMATCH
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-QuestionnaireResponse-extracterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationOutcome-XDSRegOperationOutcomeExample.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationOutcome​.issue[0]​.details​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c1340)errorWrong Display Name '在注册库中发现唯一标识符重复' for Valid display is '在注册库唯一标识重复' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
OperationOutcome​.issue[0]​.details (l1​/c1340)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '文档注册库错误消息代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC

fsh-generated/resources/OperationOutcome-XDSRepOperationOutcomeExample.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationOutcome​.issue[0]​.details​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c1372)errorWrong Display Name '在同一消息中发现资源标识符重复' for Valid display is '在同一消息中发现同样的UniqueId' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
OperationOutcome​.issue[0]​.details (l1​/c1372)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '文档存储库错误消息代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.extension[0] (l20/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Patient.extension[0] (l20/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Patient​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l22​/c8)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Patient.gender.extension[0] (l49/c8)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Patient​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l51​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Patient.gender.extension[0] (l49/c8)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Patient.gender (l46/c19)errorSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Patient​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0] (l76​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.contact[0]​.relationship[0] (l76​/c10)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC
Patient​.contact[0]​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l80​/c75)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0] (l37​/c8)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l39​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0] (l37​/c8)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Practitioner.gender (l34/c19)errorSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE

fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0] (l37​/c8)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l39​/c10)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
Practitioner​.gender​.extension[0] (l37​/c8)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Practitioner.gender (l34/c19)errorSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE

fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.json Show Validation Information (1)

Procedure​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l54​/c8)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
Procedure​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l61​/c8)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
Procedure.basedOn[0] (l73/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'ServiceRequest/1' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Procedure​.category[0]​.coding[0] (l78​/c6)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Procedure.code.coding[0] (l88/c4)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Procedure.subject (l96/c4)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Patient/1' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Procedure.encounter (l100/c4)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Encounter/1' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Procedure.location (l111/c4)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/1' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Procedure​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l117​/c8)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Procedure​.bodySite[0]​.coding[0] (l129​/c6)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Procedure.outcome.coding[0] (l139/c4)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Procedure.text.diverrorHyperlink 'ServiceRequest/1' at 'div/p/a' for 'ServiceRequest/1' does not resolve
Procedure.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Patient/1' at 'div/p/a' for '赵敏' does not resolve
Procedure.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Encounter/1' at 'div/p/a' for 'Encounter/1' does not resolve
Procedure.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Location/1' at 'div/p/a' for '西京市人民医院急诊楼五楼第12手术室' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Schedule (l1/c2) Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required ( due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Schedule​.serviceCategory[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l19​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '全科医学' for Valid display is 'Bowen Therapy' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Schedule​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l31​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is 'Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Schedule​.specialty[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l43​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Gastroenterology' or 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Schedule​.specialty[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l43​/c6)informationThe code '394312002' is valid but is not active (from[0] (l55/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/9' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Schedule.meta.profile[1] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles VALIDATION_VAL_PROFILE_UNKNOWN_NOT_POLICY
Schedule.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Location/9' at 'div/ul/li/a' for '消化内科门诊' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[0] (l55/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED[1] (l59/c6)errorSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions SLICING_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED
Schedule (l1/c2) Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required ( due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12) Validation_VAL_Profile_NoCheckMin
Schedule​.serviceCategory[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l19​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '全科医学' for Valid display is 'Bowen Therapy' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Schedule​.serviceType[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l31​/c8)errorWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is 'Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
Schedule​.specialty[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l43​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Gastroenterology' or 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Schedule​.specialty[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l43​/c6)informationThe code '394312002' is valid but is not active (from[0] (l55/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/9' Reference_REF_CantResolve
Schedule.meta.profile[1] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles VALIDATION_VAL_PROFILE_UNKNOWN_NOT_POLICY
Schedule.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Location/9' at 'div/ul/li/a' for '消化内科门诊' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-ImageRequestExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

ServiceRequest​.code​.concept​.coding[0]​.display (l18​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '心脏彩色多普勒超声' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'US.doppler Heart' (en-US), 'US.doppler Heart' (en-US) or 'DOP Hrt' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
ServiceRequest​.bodySite[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l49​/c6)errorWrong Display Name '心脏' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Heart', 'Heart structure', 'Heart structure (body structure)' or 'Cardiac structure' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of

fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-LaboratoryRequestExample01.json Show Validation Information (3)

ServiceRequest​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationFastingExample*​/ (l5​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer All_observations_should_have_a_performer
ServiceRequest​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationFastingExample*​/ (l5​/c6)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] () All_observations_should_have_an_effectiveDateTime_or_an_effectivePeriod
ServiceRequest​.contained[0]​/*Observation​/ObservationFastingExample*​/​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l22​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
ServiceRequest​.identifier[0]​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l61​/c8)errorWrong Display Name 'Placer' for Valid display is 'Placer Identifier' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
ServiceRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.code (l107​/c8)errorUnknown code 'V173' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded' (from Unknown_Code_in_Version

fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Slot (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l29​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l35​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample02.json Show Validation Information (1)

Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Slot (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l29​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l35​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample03.json Show Validation Information (1)

Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Slot (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l29​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l35​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample04.json Show Validation Information (1)

Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Slot (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l29​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l35​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample05.json Show Validation Information (1)

Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
Slot (l1/c2)errorSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice Validation_VAL_Profile_Minimum_SLICE
Slot.extension[0] (l25/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here Extension_EXT_Unknown_NotHere
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l29​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in
Slot​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Count) (l35​/c12)errorConstraint failed: cnt-3: 'There SHALL be a code with a value of "1" if there is a value. If system is present, it SHALL be UCUM. If present, the value SHALL be a whole number.' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Specimen-Covid19SpecimenExample01.json Show Validation Information (1)

Specimen​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c4)errorWrong Display Name '咽拭子' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'TS - Throat swab', 'Throat swab' or 'Throat swab (specimen)' (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
Specimen.type (l15/c4)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测样本类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-cn-operation.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[17]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c51061)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c53965)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c82308)errorWrong Display Name '诊断' for Valid display is 'Encounter Diagnosis' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c82458)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Condition.code points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Condition.code points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[25]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.participant.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/core-diagnosis')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.pattern​.ofType(uri) (l1​/c77911)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l1​/c113597)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c113581)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.pattern​.ofType(uri) (l1​/c165136)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l1​/c166373)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c166357)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)informationThe repeating element has a pattern. The pattern will apply to all the repeats (this has not been clear to all users)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.pattern​.ofType(uri) (l1​/c70912)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l1​/c106598)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c106582)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.pattern​.ofType(uri) (l1​/c158363)errorUUIDs must be valid and lowercase ( Type_Specific_Checks_DT_UUID_Valid
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l1​/c159600)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c159584)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)informationThe repeating element has a pattern. The pattern will apply to all the repeats (this has not been clear to all users)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-problem.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c51029)errorWrong Display Name '问题列表' for Valid display is 'Problem List Item' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c53934)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_RESOLVE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c82277)errorWrong Display Name '问题列表' for Valid display is 'Problem List Item' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c82428)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_RESOLVE
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[25]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.participant.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/core-problem')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ext-documentManifest-sourceId.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/ext-documentManifest-sourceId')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ext-extractable-observation.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/ext-extractable-observation')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ext-person-ethnicGroup.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/ext-person-ethnicGroup')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ext-person-gender.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/ext-person-gender')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ext-slot-frame-number.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/ext-slot-frame-number')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-ClinicalDocumentBundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2] (l1​/c326698)warningConstraint failed: eld-25: 'Order has no meaning (and cannot be asserted to have meaning), so enforcing rules on order is improper' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-ProvideDocumentBundleResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/profile-ProvideDocumentBundleResponse')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[1]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[9]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[10]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[29]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.agent.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c49262)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[16]​.pattern​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l1​/c52510)errorUnknown code 'TEST' in the CodeSystem '' version '1.0.1'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c123008)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4]​.pattern​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l1​/c123167)errorUnknown code 'TEST' in the CodeSystem '' version '1.0.1'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Encounter.type points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[10]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)informationThe repeating element has a pattern. The pattern will apply to all the repeats (this has not been clear to all users)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Encounter.type points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[16]​.pattern​.ofType(Coding)informationThe repeating element has a pattern. The pattern will apply to all the repeats (this has not been clear to all users)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[44]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c61178)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c61155)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c119693)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l1​/c119670)errorURL value '' does not resolve Type_Specific_Checks_DT_URL_Resolve
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Observation.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[45]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Observation.referenceRange.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c132755)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c134044)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[69]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c207946)errorWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[95]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c243718)errorWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c253635)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c254001)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[21]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c256505)errorWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[29]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c257815)errorWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[38]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c164090)errorThe discriminator path 'resource' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Composition.section' SD_PATH_NOT_VALID
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/profile-discharge-summary-document')informationThe Implementation Guide contains no explicitly linked examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-documentmanifest-xds.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'List.mode' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-extractable-questionnaire.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.versionAlgorithm[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.subjectType' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[24]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.jurisdiction' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/profile-extractable-questionnaire')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-extractable-questionnaire-response.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​.cn​/fhir​/connectathon​/StructureDefinition​/profile-extractable-questionnaire-response')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Appointment.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[17]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Appointment.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[52]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Appointment.recurrenceTemplate.timezone' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-schedule.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Schedule.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-slot.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Slot.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c101084)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c102375)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c158340)errorWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[69]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c176179)errorWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c186115)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c186483)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12 MSG_DRAFT
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[17]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c188443)errorWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[21]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l1​/c189089)errorWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US') (from Display_Name_for__should_be_one_of__instead_of
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[38]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c132457)errorThe discriminator path 'resource' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Composition.section' SD_PATH_NOT_VALID

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[27]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c70026)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[66]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c126725)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c137340)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[12]​.binding​.valueSet (l1​/c138382)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet] TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_CANONICAL_TYPE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Observation.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[12]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Observation.component.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Observation.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[27]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Observation.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Observation.referenceRange.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[66]​.bindingerrorThe valueSet reference on element Observation.component.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem) SD_ED_BIND_NOT_VS

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-method-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1144)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-specimen-type-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c2050)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-test-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1572)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-doc-section-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[80]warningThe code '29544-5' is not valid in the system (Unknown code '29544-5' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.80')
ValueSet (l1/c15302)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-document-category.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c939)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-document-formatcode.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c961)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ehr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c946)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-emr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c946)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-facility-typecode.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c2877)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb2261-1.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c846)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb2261-2.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c846)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb3304.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c7848)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb3304-letter.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c7897)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb4761.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c826)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-manifest-category-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c996)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-operationoutcome-code-xds-reg.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c3077)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-operationoutcome-code-xds-rep.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c2795)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0] (l1/c2913)informationThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment' VALUESET_INCLUDE_CS_CONTENT
ValueSet.compose.include[1] (l1/c2995)informationThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment' VALUESET_INCLUDE_CS_CONTENT
ValueSet (l1/c3235)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place-rpt.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0] (l1/c2355)informationThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment' VALUESET_INCLUDE_CS_CONTENT
ValueSet (l1/c2468)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-phr-document-type.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c950)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-practice-setting-code.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[75]warningThe code '40844000' is not valid in the system (Unknown code '40844000' in the CodeSystem '' version '')
ValueSet (l1/c15566)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-presence-finding-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1668)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-special-rx-event-type-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1040)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-surgical-incision-category.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1026)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-surgical-level.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c903)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ws-dataelement.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c890)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present VALUESET_SHAREABLE_MISSING_HL7
ValueSet.where(id = 'ws-dataelement')informationThe value set expansion is too large, and only a subset has been displayed

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-LaboratoryRequestExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-LaboratoryRequestExample01.jsonBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314``)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.participant[0].actor). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.requester). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317``)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.parameter[1].value[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Patient/PatientExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315``)


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Practitioner/PractitionerExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerExample01 by Bundle resolution rules
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 2 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 4 matches the reference Practitioner/PractitionerExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PractitionerExample01 by Bundle resolution rules
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 3 matches the reference Patient/PatientExample01 by type and id but it's fullUrl urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 does not match the full target URL urn:uuid:PatientExample01 by Bundle resolution rules


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet Bundles should have a self link that specifies what the search was


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSearchSet bundles should have search modes on the entries


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x])
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Encounter/EncounterExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[1].resource.encounter)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x])
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Encounter/EncounterExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.encounter)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonCan't find 'Practitioner/PractitionerExample01' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[2].resource.requester)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[0].resource.source.endpoint[x])


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the MessageHeader, so its presence should be reviewed (is it needed to process the message?)


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonURN reference is not locally contained within the bundle urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems should ensure that every concept has a definition


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-citizenship-class.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-category.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-formatcode.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ehr-document-type.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-1.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-2.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb3304.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb4761.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-manifest-category-codes.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-phr-document-type.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-special-rx-event-type-codes.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-incision-category.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-level.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ws363-2011.jsonHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-citizenship-class.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-citizenship-class.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-category.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-category.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-formatcode.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-formatcode.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ehr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ehr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-1.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-1.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-2.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-2.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb3304.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb3304.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb4761.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb4761.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-manifest-category-codes.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-manifest-category-codes.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-phr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-phr-document-type.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-special-rx-event-type-codes.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-special-rx-event-type-codes.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-incision-category.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-incision-category.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-level.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-level.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ws363-2011.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ws363-2011.jsonCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-beijing-dist.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-admindiv-prov.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-citizenship-class.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-category.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-document-formatcode.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ehr-document-type.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-emr-document-type.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-1.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb2261-2.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb3304.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-gb4761.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-manifest-category-codes.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-operationoutcome-code-xds.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-phr-document-type.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-special-rx-event-type-codes.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-incision-category.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-surgical-level.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ws363-2011.jsonMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-beijing-dist-to-prov.jsonSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = fragment), so the source codes cannot be checked


fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-beijing-dist-to-prov.jsonTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = fragment), so the target codes cannot be checked


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonDetails for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 matching against profile|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonDetails for #ObservationExampleInline01 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonDetails for #ObservationExampleInline02 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonDetails for #ObservationExampleInline03 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonDetails for #ObservationExampleInline04 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonDetails for #ObservationExampleInline05 matching against profile|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/List-XDSDocumentManifestExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|5.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|5.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample02.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample01.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample02.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample03.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample04.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample05.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|2025.3.12 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)


fsh-generated/resources/Appointment-AppointmentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name 'General practice' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'General practice (specialty) (qualifier value)' or 'General practice (specialty)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Appointment-AppointmentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name 'Clinical Review' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Clinical management plan review (procedure)' or 'Clinical management plan review' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '发热' for Valid display is 'Fever of other and unknown origin' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '无力' for Valid display is 'Ascites' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '行走不变' for Valid display is 'Anuria and oliguria' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '钠' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Sodium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Sodium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Sodium SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Sodium, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '钾' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Potassium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Potassium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Potassium SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Potassium, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '氯化物' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Chloride [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Chloride [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Chloride SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Chloride, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '二氧化碳' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'CO2 SerPl-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '阴离子间隙' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Anion gap in Serum or Plasma by calculation' (en-US), 'Anion gap in Serum or Plasma by calculation' (en-US), 'Anion Gap SerPl Calc-sCnc' (en-US) or 'Anion gap, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '电解质组合HCFA 98' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Electrolytes 1998 panel - Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Electrolytes 1998 panel - Serum or Plasma' (en-US), 'Lytes 1998 Pnl SerPl' (en-US) or 'Electrolytes 1998 panel, Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '公立医院' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Government hospital' or 'Government hospital (environment)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '肠胃病学' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)', 'Gastroenterology' or 'GE - Gastroenterology' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-MedicationAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '口服片剂' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Oral tablet', 'Conventional release oral tablet (dose form)' or 'Conventional release oral tablet' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '空腹' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Half to one hour before food' or 'Half to one hour before food (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '整片吞服' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Swallowed whole, not chewed (qualifier value)' or 'Swallowed whole, not chewed' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '吞服' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Swallow (administration method)', 'Swallow' or 'A method of administration of a dose form by taking into the mouth and allowing to pass down the throat.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '口服' for Valid display is one of 8 choices: 'Oral route', 'Per os', 'Oral route (qualifier value)', 'Oral use', 'Per oral route', 'PO - Per os', 'By mouth' or 'A digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '新冠核酸 样本 探针检测 N基因[Pr]' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 N gene Spec Ql NAA+probe' (en-US) or 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N gene, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '未检测到' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Not detected', 'Not detected (qualifier value)' or 'Not found' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '实时荧光定量PCR/qRT-PCR' for Valid display is one of 7 choices: 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019-nCoV using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of COVID-19 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019 novel coronavirus using polymerase chain reaction', 'SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction' or 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction (observable entity)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '新冠核酸 样本 探针检测 ORF1ab域[Pr]' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' (en-US), 'SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab Spec Ql NAA+probe' (en-US) or 'SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF1ab region, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '未检测到' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Not detected', 'Not detected (qualifier value)' or 'Not found' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '实时荧光定量PCR/qRT-PCR' for Valid display is one of 7 choices: 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019-nCoV using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of COVID-19 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 using polymerase chain reaction', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of 2019 novel coronavirus using polymerase chain reaction', 'SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR', 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction' or 'Detection of ribonucleic acid of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction (observable entity)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '血压' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Blood pressure panel with all children optional' (en-US), 'Blood pressure panel with all children optional' (en-US) or 'BP pnl w all optional' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Gastroenterology' or 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonWrong Display Name '消化内科' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Gastroenterology' or 'Gastroenterology (qualifier value)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-ImageRequestExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '心脏彩色多普勒超声' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'US.doppler Heart' (en-US), 'US.doppler Heart' (en-US) or 'DOP Hrt' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-ImageRequestExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '心脏' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Heart', 'Heart structure', 'Heart structure (body structure)' or 'Cardiac structure' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/Specimen-Covid19SpecimenExample01.jsonWrong Display Name '咽拭子' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'TS - Throat swab', 'Throat swab' or 'Throat swab (specimen)' (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonWrong Display Name 'Hospital discharge diagnosis' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US), 'Hospital discharge Dx Narrative' (en-US) or 'Hospital discharge Dx' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonWrong Display Name 'Allergies and adverse reactions' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US), 'Allergies and adverse reactions Document' (en-US) or 'Allergies &or adverse reactions Doc' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonWrong Display Name '检验结果' for Valid display is one of 3 choices: 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US), 'Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative' (en-US) or 'Relevant Dx tests/lab data' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonWrong Display Name '标本信息' for Valid display is one of 4 choices: 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related information panel' (en-US), 'Specimen-related info pnl' (en-US) or 'Specimen-related information panel, Specimen' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en-US')


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/List-XDSDocumentManifestExample01.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample02.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample01.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample02.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample03.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample04.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample05.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-patient.jsonThe extension|5.2.0 is deprecated with the note This was deprecated in favor of using a constraint on the element using FHIRPath, since constraints allow for the provision of a human readable message associated with the regex


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample01.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample02.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2025.3.12


fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Appointment-book.jsonConformance resource /Users/yeyanbo/personal/hit/git/hl7china/fhir-ig-hl7cn/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Appointment-book.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-QuestionnaireResponse-extract.jsonConformance resource /Users/yeyanbo/personal/hit/git/hl7china/fhir-ig-hl7cn/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-QuestionnaireResponse-extract.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonInvalid Resource target type. Found Encounter, but expected one of ([DocumentReference])


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUnable to find a profile match for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314 among choices:


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUnable to find a profile match for urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313 (by type) among choices: ; []


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'MedicationRequestExample01'
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-ImageReportExample01.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'DocumentReference/1.2.840.11361907579238403408700.'
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'ServiceRequest/1'
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Patient/1'
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Encounter/1'
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/1'
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/9'
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Location/9'


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonRelative URLs must be of the format [ResourceName]/[id]. Encountered MedicationRequestExample01


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Condition.code points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Condition.code points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Encounter.type points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Encounter.type points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Observation.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Observation.component.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Observation.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe valueSet reference on element Observation.component.code.coding points to something that is not a value set (CodeSystem)


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-cn-operation.jsonThe definition for the element 'Procedure.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.jsonThe definition for the element 'Condition.participant.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-problem.jsonThe definition for the element 'Condition.participant.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.jsonThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.jsonThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.jsonThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.jsonThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-core-auditevent.jsonThe definition for the element 'AuditEvent.agent.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonThe definition for the element 'Observation.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonThe definition for the element 'Observation.referenceRange.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-documentmanifest-xds.jsonThe definition for the element 'List.mode' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-extractable-questionnaire.jsonThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.versionAlgorithm[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-extractable-questionnaire.jsonThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.subjectType' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-extractable-questionnaire.jsonThe definition for the element 'Questionnaire.jurisdiction' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment.jsonThe definition for the element 'Appointment.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment.jsonThe definition for the element 'Appointment.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-appointment.jsonThe definition for the element 'Appointment.recurrenceTemplate.timezone' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-schedule.jsonThe definition for the element 'Schedule.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-my-slot.jsonThe definition for the element 'Slot.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe definition for the element 'Observation.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonThe definition for the element 'Observation.referenceRange.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-discharge-summary-document.jsonThe discriminator path 'resource' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Composition.section'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-sars-cov-2-nucleic-acid-test.jsonThe discriminator path 'resource' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Composition.section'


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:ReasonForVisit', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Diagnosis', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Medications', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Allergies', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:LabResult', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:LabResult', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Speciman', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: 'resource' in profile '' on element 'Composition.section:Speciman', looking in profile '' (@char 1)
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.component.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:Local - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [system] in profile Observation.code.coding:International - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonSlicing cannot be evaluated: Could not match discriminator (1) for slice [$this] in profile - the discriminator|2025.3.12 does not have fixed value, binding or existence assertions


fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample01.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample02.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-CNOperationExample.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-problem.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-problem.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-diagnosis.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-encounter.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-vital-sign.jsonCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found CodeSystem expecting one of [ValueSet]


fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Vital Signs Units' (|5.0.0), and a code from this value set is required: The provided code '' was not found in the value set '|5.0.0'; Unknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Vital Signs Units' (|5.0.0), and a code from this value set is required: The provided code '' was not found in the value set '|5.0.0'; Unknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonThe Coding provided ( was not found in the value set '处方流转事件类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a code is required from this value set. (error message = Wrong Display Name '检索患者相关信息响应' for Valid display is '检索患者相关信息应答' (for the language(s) 'en-US'))


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Verification Status' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'AllergyIntolerance Verification Status' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档章节代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Clinical Status Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = null#active)
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '共享文档类别代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '设施类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '临床医学专业代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测项目代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测结果存在性代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测方式代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测项目代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测结果存在性代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测方式代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/OperationOutcome-XDSRegOperationOutcomeExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '文档注册库错误消息代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/OperationOutcome-XDSRepOperationOutcomeExample.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '文档存储库错误消息代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '家庭关系代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Specimen-Covid19SpecimenExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set '核酸检测样本类型代码表' (|2025.3.12), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =


fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Category Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample02.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition Category Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-ImageReportExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'LOINC Diagnostic Report Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'LOINC Diagnostic Report Codes' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'TimingAbbreviation' (|5.0.0), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =


fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Covid19EncounterExample01.jsonFound a reference to a CodeSystem '' where a ValueSet belongs


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-FindDocumentReferenceResponseExample01.jsonIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample01.jsonIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference
fsh-generated/resources/DocumentReference-DocumentReferenceExample02.jsonIdentifier.system must be an absolute reference, not a local reference


fsh-generated/resources/Appointment-AppointmentExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample02.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample03.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-Covid19ResultExample02.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonURL value '' does not resolve


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-318)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-319)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-320)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-317)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-314)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-316)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-313)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-315)
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample01.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample02.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-EncounterExample03.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-inpatient-encounter.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-core-outpatient-encounter.jsonUUIDs must be valid and lowercase (


fsh-generated/resources/Appointment-AppointmentExample01.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample01.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/AuditEvent-AuditEventExample02.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/DiagnosticReport-LaboratoryReportExample01.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-LaboratoryRequestExample01.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-profile-covid19-result.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version ''
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version ''
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version ''
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample01.jsonUnknown code 'J12.82' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-DiagnosisExample02.jsonUnknown code 'M17.900x002' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-OrderAzvudineTabletExample01.jsonUnknown code 'U07.100x002' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.jsonUnknown code 'XXXXXX' in the CodeSystem '' version ''
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.jsonUnknown code '片' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-RxMedicationRequestExample01.jsonUnknown code '盒' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonUnknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonUnknown code 'mmHg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignWeightExample01.jsonUnknown code 'Kg' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.2'
fsh-generated/resources/ServiceRequest-LaboratoryRequestExample01.jsonUnknown code 'V173' in the CodeSystem '' version '2019-covid-expanded'


fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample01.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
fsh-generated/resources/Schedule-ScheduleExample02.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place.jsonThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment'
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place.jsonThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment'
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place-rpt.jsonThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment'


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-method-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-specimen-type-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-covid19-test-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-doc-section-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-document-category.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-document-formatcode.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ehr-document-type.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-emr-document-type.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-facility-typecode.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb2261-1.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb2261-2.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb3304.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb3304-letter.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-gb4761.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-manifest-category-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-operationoutcome-code-xds-reg.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-operationoutcome-code-xds-rep.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-patient-native-place-rpt.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-phr-document-type.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-practice-setting-code.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-presence-finding-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-special-rx-event-type-codes.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-surgical-incision-category.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-surgical-level.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ws-dataelement.jsonValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonObservation.category: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|5.0.0)
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonObservation.effective[x]: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|5.0.0)


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ProvideDocumentBundleExample01.jsonSlice 'List.extension:SourceId': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxPushBundleExample.jsonSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryBundleExample.jsonSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-RxQueryResponseBundleExample.jsonSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/List-XDSDocumentManifestExample01.jsonSlice 'List.extension:SourceId': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlice 'Observation.category:VSCat': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlice 'Observation.component:SystolicBP': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-VitalSignBPExample01.jsonSlice 'Observation.component:DiastolicBP': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|5.0.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-PatientExample01.jsonSlice 'Patient.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample01.jsonSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-PractitionerExample02.jsonSlice 'Practitioner.gender.extension:Gender': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample01.jsonSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample02.jsonSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample03.jsonSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample04.jsonSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
fsh-generated/resources/Slot-SlotExample05.jsonSlice 'Slot.extension:FrameNumber': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|2025.3.12). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonComposition.section:ReasonForVisit: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonComposition.section:Diagnosis: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-DischargeSummaryDocumentExample01.jsonComposition.section:Medications: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonComposition.section:LabResult: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/Composition-SarsCov2NucleicAcidTestReportCompositionExample01.jsonComposition.section:Speciman: Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required (Composition.section) due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/ Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required ( due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)
fsh-generated/resources/ Found 0 matches, but unable to check minimum required ( due to lack of slicing validation (from|2025.3.12)