2025.03.10 - release
HL7中国发布订阅框架实施指南 - Local Development build (v2025.03.10) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Bundle NotifyMessageExample02
Profile: 通用发布消息本地化定义
Bundle NotifyMessageExample02 of type subscription-notification
Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:112312312-12-31-23-12-31-23-12-312
Resource SubscriptionStatus:
Generated Narrative: SubscriptionStatus NotifySubscriptionStatusInlineExample02
Profile: 通知时使用的订阅状态本地化定义
status: Active
type: Heartbeat
eventsSinceSubscriptionStart: 34
subscription: Subscription 表单填报完成就绪订阅
topic: 表单填报完成就绪主题